
... on the white-walled streets of South Kensington after a spot of lunch & bubbles.
Donovan - Sunny South Kensington
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The best thing about pinstripe shorts is that they imply professionalism but still feels like a party.
Blitz Kids - Pinnacle
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We went for a very raw, natural look with simple styling and no makeup - so that explains all the freckles I guess.
Jess Morgan - Freckles In The Sun
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At the moment I'm reading Life by Keith Richards and as much as he rambles on I just love it ...
Keith Richards - Take It So Hard
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Subtle gypsy vibes, a touch of vintage and really comfy shoes – the usual suspects when it comes to my personal style.
Shakira - Gypsy
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I always buy new (usually novelty or colourful) socks when I visit a new city or when I need a pop of colour in a dreary winter outfit.
Nina Nesbitt - Selfies
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Tropical Wish

It was a super windy day when I wore my lovely lacey Wish dress to go get some fresh fruit, salads for the week and some sneaky coyo.
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Black & Stone

Apologies for being MIA on the blog! On Thursday I had the biggest all-nighter ever. If only it wasn't due to a uni assignment, but alas it was. Terrible!
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Girl's got Rhythm

So as usual, it seems I've gone all 70s. But it's not like I had to try very hard with the wicked flares on this Rhythm jumpsuit.
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Spring Mini

September is my birthday month and I'll be running a special giveaway so keep your lovely eyes peeled!
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